Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What a Rick Perry Presidency Would Look Like for Women August 17 2011

In the above blog, "What a Rick Perry Presidency Would Look Like for Women", Mean Rachel highlights Perry's ill-conceived plans for a woman contraceptive future.  The authors intended audience is adolescent
minded individuals young and old.  As for a credible source the author is utilizing a blog with links to other site showing information to enhance the illustration of her opinions on the subjects presented.  He plans to create a department to oversee the future of women's contraceptive and that he will put forth abstinence as their leading solution to safe sex.  If it were that easy then we would have no use for all the other contraceptive we have today.  Rachel argues this as well backing it with studies that have shown after completing an abstinence program, the trainee's have more sex than they were having before.  While perry preaches nothing but good things about these programs along with his support of crisis pregnancy centers which are a waste of tax-payer dollars.  I agree with Mean Rachel that contraceptive is a must while experiencing urges or just as a regular thing after those sex crazed days are past.  Abstinence only truly works for people that have no life worth living and too much free-time in they're over protective mothers basement wasting their lives.  Safe sex starts with your choices and ends with your actions.  To belabor the point, Rick Perry is not a visionary by any means, he doesn't really think outside the box, and needs a massive rework of his priorities because his out-dated ideas becoming reality could spell disaster for the entire nation if we don't rid ourselves of him.

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